This is the 2nd time i'm typing this, as the 1st one somehow got deleted.. sigh.. that's life aye? Anyway, here i am, going to talk about religion! I am a Catholic since the day I was born. Today's issue would be about Catholicism and Protestanism (I'm not sure where the Orthodox is categorised under.) Well, let me not bore with the history about how they separate and stuff,though i admit it was the Catholic's wrongdoing.
Just recently,last friday exactly, i went to a praise and worshipped session organised by Planet Shakers( a group from Aussie).Pictures for those who want to see are here ( Back to the topic, it was all great and fun, the band was really really good! Radical as some may call it.. to some Catholics, conservative ones, it may considered heresy! cool bass solos and guitar solos, it was no surprised it attracted a couple of thousands of God's followers. That itself was a rare sight considering it was hard enough to get a place big enough as Sunway. The pastor was great too.. witty , charming and funny. Somehow though, i felt i was the only Catholic there, Angie you're excluded cause you've not been going to church for 18 years!That was a sad thing to see as i hoped that one day the two communites might be reunited.
That however, i feel, it's near a stage where it's almost impossible to happen!Why,I say? That's because, that night, I felt that even though we are Christians, we both have a different set of ideologies and fundamentals. Catholicism, since Paul build his church, has been one of the most conservative groups ever. Whether that is good or bad, that i cannot answer. That's because for every bad, there's a good and I do believe that everything the Church does, does have it's reason. That day, the pastor did talk about paul and cylus(not sure the exact spelling) being imprisoned for exorcising a demon. He talks on how they sang and 'partied' so that God could listen and free them.Yes, he did say they prayed but his interpretation was more like that they 'partied'. Ask a priest to tell you the same story, and he'll say that they fervently prayed in faith and silence to God for His divinty.Thus, it only does say that both camps does have different beliefs. None is right, none is wrong though, i say.
This however,i want to stress about the difference about the two camps( maybe the similarities, depends on how they see it.This is my opinion only after all.) That's about suffering. The Catholic Church has always stressed on the suffering of Jesus he gave for his people and that we celebrate mass not only to remember it but also to emulate it. This is why mass is so monotonous and dull but it does get's it's message across. Protestant churches I feel, however, stresses more on the fact of worshipping Jesus alone, not his deeds or attitude. They see him as a God, without seeing who He is. This is just a mere gut feeling though. The pastor said, ' Jesus one said,' See not the deeds i've done but for who i am.'.' However that itself is contradictory as it is Jesus' acts and deeds that made Him for who He is then,now and till He comes again.
Really want to cut this short now.. Haven't had much time and been wanting to write my next edition already. However, one last point! That's about donations and charity! Really, that day, the way they used a parable from the Bible to up donations kind of upsetted me a little. To me, donations were always of a voluntary basis, and no matter how much it is, it's still good! I'm not saying that the Catholic Church does not do that but I've yet to see a similar thing.
Anyway,all in all, even though I've been hitting the Protestants almost throughout this , I do want a reunion of the two communities. Both aren't at fault and we shouldn't be like other religions that have split as well!God Bless every soul on Earth:)
Other updates on my life... This happened like long long agoooooo!!!PPKTJ had a sports gathering!I actually played sumo!!!Not bad eh?But lost like shit. Softball was fun though. Pics click here-