Down sick
i was fine until last fri when suddenly my head felt heavy and everything going around me seemed so ...slow.come saturday, i realised it was a fever, could be influenza(not bird flu) but i slept d whole day(literally), forced some panadols down and somehow it was alright. but that did not stop my coughing and my unlimited source of phlegm(comes in various colors too, white,green,brown and a mixture of green n brown..which makes it orange? red too.. a lil blood i guess) so i started on antibiotics..not a big fan of it but somewhat with no other choice and with my exam coming soon, i needa be in good shape. today my throat felt much better and i spiited out less phlegm.however, my nose started to run! a running nose would be an understatement actually, more like a sprinting nose! i better not get into details for this. my head is also abit heavy and i couldnt think or do much in class..half my class is sick as well. some with the influenza, some with flu, while some are just 'sick' i think :P
so i came up with 3 reasons why i'm sick.
1. setsubun.. which is on 3rd feb(sat) is the day where the season changes i think and japanese believe by eating penuts o sth like tht will banish demons(oni).. for me i'm letting all the bad stuff from my body out.. cleansing.. thats what being sick is all about aint it?
2. according to the iran girl,shilin.. if u get praised too much, it'll affect your health.(some iranian belief) seeing as i have been the topic of discussion in school lately, she does make a valid point.
3.probably the most logical of all.. a virus
ok ok,enough with the sick n depressing part, next up will be even more depressing!i always knew malaysian mass media to be pro-gov or censored heavily by them or controlled through shares or power but up to now, i've never seen a case of news being censored.. expecially local ones.
now take a look at these sites
i would think that this would be big enough to make the headlines of any paper but none!(maybe chinese papers?) ..on the other hand, i'm only refering to star online and nst online. it's big news but sigh..not a single word from the major mass media. why do u think blogs are important?i'm not gonna debate on the issue in the 2 links but is there really no transparency in our mass media? abdullah, i'm disappointed, for all u say about anti-graft and better transparency, i only see it getting worse. it might not be your fault but it's still your government. to be fair, the opposition is just as weak,thus the rakyat suffers. :( malaysia boleh man..
er, i just read about it in the star la.. -_-
5/2 - no pics, but a piece of news.. go see la
thanks.. couldnt find it yesterday. guess i was wrong but still, without the pics,the article is painting the situation that the protestors were doing sth really wrong? it is wrong by law but when all channels to speak out is closed, what choice do u have?
how you feeling now??better?
Panadol,antibiotics,take whatever it needs to get well ok?
yeaps, thanks :)
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