Buka Puasa
i had buka puasa(not that i fasted) with the malay guys last friday, partly cause i already paid for it. turned out much better than i expected. they had banana cake! been so long since i had one and the prawn fritters were just awesome. luckily or unluckily i brought my cam there... lucky cause there were alot of kids and made nice subjects. unluckily cause the kids were there! during prayer, i (more like my cam) was harassed by them! it was mad i tell u, everyone wanted to hold it and they pressed the shutter like hell.. it'll definitely shorten by cam's lifespan by abit but i was pretty upset that they just touched the lens ..luckily i had a filter on it! or the kids would definitely be crying. they even opened the flash by force! argh.. i was so damn scared when a girl took the cam around..so scared that she would drop it.. i can't scold her cause she's not my child.. i cant take it away from her as the guys were praying and she would scream like mad and that's just not good.. kids are kids anyway..here's the pics!
1.group pic.. see me? i think i put on weight.. sigh..
2.hide n seek
3.boo!4.sticking her face out.
5.the guy
6.family pic(btw i was pretty shocked when the guy gave me his name card cause he wanted me to send him photos. it stated that he's working at gifu dai and even more cool was that he graduated from tokyo dai!)
9.sticking the tongue out
next post would be cycling trip to gifu koen(park)! not many pics but there was an incident that made me change my opinion about mini skirts culture in japan.
nice pics. clem the mr.nice guy. haha.. if i were u, i'd just tell the kids off la. "jangan kacau kamera aku (i know u'll use this.. haha) ya, nanti aku tak tangkap gambar kau!"
eh, wat was your opinion on the mini skirto culture?
you din put on weight
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