Kosen Sai is Over
Over the last few weeks, i've been sleep deprived,sawing,chopping,drilling,screwing and everything else for this year's 高専際専門展.basically is a a competition between faculties in my place to see who can come up with better stuff and present it. well, simple to say, we didn't win but i'm not surprised.i'm not sad either. it was fun and the joy of seeing people go wow at the stuff we built or kids playing with our 'toys' was more than enough.over the course i took over a thousand pics and will slowly let them out.hehe
solenoids, used to move our automated pianist.face made by art club for our karakuri ningyo - google it for an example :P
making of a gear, 10 hours to complete one :P
karakuri ningyo model
anyone tired would sleep on the floor, me included :P
that's all for now, more pics to come.
and the theme is black and white?
yep, whole series shot in bnw :P
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