Monday, February 25, 2008

Denmark part 1

i figured i post sth less vulgar than my previous post, i'm still not really happy though. denmark is a nice place, home of Lego and Carlsberg. it's one expensive country though with the currency being on par with the british pound.

after getting lost finding our hostel, we headed off to the city centre. this is city hall. not exactly spectacular but still pretty decent.i took this picture in europe's longest mall street, or was it denmark or something like that. i really do like this picture, the sense of movement and the crowd and so on.
colored ,motionless one.
the one thing i didn't like about denmark was that it had factories in the east and west, spoiling such a nice view of the city. i intended on the muddy yellow color to make it have more of a polluted feel.
my dad has the almost exact same pic when he was here!!! hehe, his picture is better though :P

needa to study , laters


stevelee67 said... u got ur gene from ur father

Crabbed!! said...

Muddy yellow...good call.