Thursday, June 01, 2006

tell me again why am i blogging now?

let's see, my exam is a mere 15 hours away and yet i'm writing here.why??why?? why???! i'll tell you why.. no, it's not cause i'm over confident nor do i think that it's gonna be easy. actually, on 2nd thought, i dont think i can answer my own question. i dunno blardy why!! i've been surfing whole day reading up on stupid stuff ( what formations countries are going to employ this world cup?) to playin new super mario bro.s( have i mentioned that it's a wonderful game, such a classic and nostalgic feel) to blogging now. Seems like i just can't bring myself to study.

so, i guess i better stop this blabbering if i wanna at least pass...

p.s: Good luck to those having their exams now. i know they're a big bunch of you!


mayc said...

shucks.. looks like u need some magic potion of self-discipline... now, where did i put that? oh yeah, mine was stolen by grimserry the naughty pixie...~~


Anonymous said...

sae was here
you rock