The Empire Strikes Back
The Dark side has returned. For too long Nikon has been taking a lot of flak from Canon, first with the 1D MKIII then the 1Ds MKIII and the newly launched 40d. Nikon today has upped the ante and returned everything Canon could dish out and more. it has been nearly 3 years since Nikon has updated it's flagship model and today they've shocked the world with the D3with a new nikon made cmos FULL FRAME 12MP sensor, it's sure to blow everything away. so few megapixels with such a big sensor would mean less noise at high iso while increasing its dynamic range. interesting fact that the camera can still use dx lenses even though at only 5.1mp as it'll crop the sensor. the only drawback is the 5000USD price tag. it's not that expensive if compared to other pro-bodies but it's definitely something out of my reach.
the dark lord's apprentice is something more in reach. also announced with the D3 is nikon's dx format's flagship model, the D300 while an rrp of 1800usd.
sporting a 12mp sensor by sony/nikon with the same 51af point and expeed processing engine as the d3, it's not unfair to call it a slightly toned down d3.
also at the press conference was the launch of 5 new lenses but only one which caught my attention, the 14-24mm full frame lens. it'll be damn shiok if coupled with the d3 if anyone can afford it.
for the press release
anyone wanna donate money to me?
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