Monday, May 21, 2007

Roses Part II

yep, more roses in a variety of colors... i know that most of it are closeups but i just cant think of a wide composition for this kinda pics..

1.purple rose.. i love the lighting here.2.yellow with after rain droplets(or did i spray it myself?...yes, i brought a water spray with me but not my tripod plate!!!)
3.another red rose, i'm really bad with red..
4. yellow pink hybrid. preety cool huh. i think it's called 'peace'
5.another one
update on my life, exams next week! pretty pretty screwed considering i'm still editing my pics.. don't think i'll be going canon this summer :( my teacher said they're reluctant to accept foreigners. heroes is coming to an end! i cant wait :P (another why i'm screwed for my exams..)

more pics again.. pink ones! i think the best of the series!


Anonymous said...

the roses are breath taking. r they expensive in japan? or do they sell it at certain places like how cameron highlands sell 'em?

cl3m` said...

hrm? i've never bought a rose here so i'm not too sure bt the price. i took this pics in a public garden :P